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Author Archives: Dwight Widaman

Students talk to President about religious discrimination


While it was virtually ignored in the news this week, students, teachers, coaches and religious freedom activists with diverse faith backgrounds visited the White House to talk about religious discrimination and intimidation. ...

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Cardinals pitcher Adam Wainwright challenges Twitter followers to read through Bible

St. Louis Cardinals All-Star pitcher Adam Wainwright told his Twitter followers last week that he would begin reading selections each day from the Old and New Testaments and Psalms. It’s part of ...

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Michelle Obama’s school lunch rules off the menu

school lunch

One of the Obama administration’s most unpopular policies was its meddling in the school lunch menus of millions of students. While Michelle Obama’s goals of improved nutrition were laudable, schools found it ...

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Violence against Christians increasing around the world, Open Doors reports

open doors

Worldwide violence against Christians is on the rise, according to the Open Doors World Watch List released this week. Among the most shocking violence-related data disclosed was a report citing that more ...

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Pope Francis given autographed Patrick Mahomes jersey

The Kansas City Chiefs may have an unlikely supporter during Sunday’s AFC championship game at Arrowhead Stadium. A local bishop gave Pope Francis an autographed Patrick Mahomes jersey this week, according to ...

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Report: Historic decline in drug overdose deaths

Are Trump administration policies having a positive impact on lowering drug overdose deaths? For the first time in nearly three decades, the deaths resulting from drug overdose in the United States have ...

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People triggered by Bethlehem response on ‘Jeopardy!’

Although most children in Sunday school know that Bethlehem is in Israel, the location stirred up some controversy on a recent episode of “Jeopardy!” Bethlehem is roughly six miles south of Jerusalem ...

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Missouri Gov. Parson outlines priorities in state of the state address

In his state of the state address, Gov. Mike Parson outlined some good news for a major local highway project and fans of Buck O’Neil. “There is one more very special project ...

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Pentagon gets request to build 300 miles of border security wall

The construction of the security wall along the Mexican border could ramp up quickly after the Department of Homeland Security sent a request to the Pentagon this week. The expectation is that ...

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Missouri Legislature will debate regulating transgender athletes

Many people believe that transgender athletes have an unfair advantage when competing in girls’ sports. Missouri is one of five states where lawmakers are considering legislation that would regulate a biological male’s ...

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Technology now powering persecution of Christians around the world

technology christians

Imagine facial recognition technology to get into a house of worship and surveillance cameras inside watching every move of the Christians there. Or a “social score” system that awards points for good ...

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Eye-opening ‘One Child Nation’ leads January streaming lineup

one child

What would happen if a nation limited families to one child in a society that has a strong preference for boys? Answer: Horrors that you can’t imagine. The new documentary One Child ...

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Nigerian Christian bride and bridesmaids killed on way to wedding


One of the cruelest and most horrific incidents of Nigerian Christians being attacked and murdered by Muslim extremists is coming to light. The latest news reveals the brutal murder of a woman ...

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Classic movie ‘Mr. Smith Goes to Washington’ offers lessons for today

mr smith

Who hasn’t heard of the movie “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington”? Everyone should see this movie. What I discovered via a little research was that iconic film director Frank Capra and iconic ...

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President’s proclamation on Religious Freedom Day 2020

President Trump has issued a proclamation in honor of Religious Freedom Day. The proclamation may be read below in its entirety.   January 15, 2020 Religious Freedom Day, 2020 – – – ...

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Guatemala to get $1 billion investment to improve economy, security

The best way to decrease illegal immigration, say many, is to produce economic incentives and better security for migrants to stay in their own country. The Trump administration announced late Wedesday it ...

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Petition aims to force vote on protecting babies who survive abortion

After Nancy Pelosi and House Democrats voted against it 80 times, a bill to protect babies that have survived an abortion is again being put forth by pro-life legislators. A petition has ...

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Israel has developed Star Wars laser technology to combat missile threat

Israel receives billions in U.S. aid each year and while some call for it to be ended, the investment is making both Israel and America safer. Now, Israel’s Defense Ministry has revealed ...

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Missouri bill to reduce exposure to sexual materials draws fire from libraries

A Missouri lawmaker has introduced a bill to help keep sexual materials out of the hands of children, but library organizations are lining up against it. State Rep. Ben Baker, a Republican ...

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Several faith-based films among this year’s Academy Award nominations

Faith-based movies are starting to make inroads in Hollywood. “Breakthrough” and two other faith-centric films received Academy Award nominations earlier this week. “Breakthrough” was nominated for best original song for “I’m Standing With ...

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United Airlines blames climate change for bad ranking

The Wall Street Journal released today a list of the nation’s nine best performing airlines (See the rankings below). This is the 12th year of the Middle Seat Scorecard ranking of nine ...

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Thirteen Nigerians murdered in latest attack on Christians

Thirteen Nigerian Christians are dead after a group of Fulani Muslim terrorists targeted their Christian village. The attack took place last week and news of the atrocity is just now making it ...

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In procedural move, Democrats block vote voicing support for Iranian protesters

House Democrats Tuesday afternoon moved to advance two resolutions that, in a procedural vote, blocked a resolution that voiced support for Iranian protests against recent actions by their government. The vote to ...

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UK, France and Germany change tune, now backing Trump on Iranian sanctions


The United Kingdom, Germany and France have announced today they’re fed-up with Iranian violations of the 2015 nuclear deal and put the blame solely on the Iranian regime. That’s contrary to American ...

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Trump admin asks Supreme Court for help over immigration

In an emergency request to the nation’s highest court, the Trump administration has asked for assistance in how it interprets and administers immigration laws. The Supreme Court is being asked to lift ...

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